The old shed has been knocked down, the new garden room kit is on the way and you’re wondering if ground screws are a suitable option for the foundations.
Most of our customers are first-timers when it comes to DIY ground screw installation and, if you’re considering this method for your next project, you might be wondering whether you can tackle the installation yourself. The good news is, with the right tools and guidance, DIY installation of ground screws is easy and offers several advantages over professional installation. Let’s explore why DIY ground screw installation might be the best choice for you.
The Cost Advantage
One of the most compelling reasons to install ground screws yourself is the cost savings. Check out our cost comparison table below:
The data illustrates a significant cost advantage of self-installation ground screws for building garden room foundations compared to alternative methods such as concrete bases or professional installation services.
In this data, self-install ground screw installation costs include ground screws, joist bracket systems, a standard installation tool and delivery. Prices are based on SIPs Ground Screws products with a 15% trade discount. Professional installation is priced at £125 per ground screw installed as per averages. Concrete bases are priced at £175 per m2 as per averages.
Flexibility and Convenience
DIY installation offers unparalleled flexibility. You can work at your own pace, schedule the installation when it’s most convenient for you, and make adjustments without waiting for a contractor’s availability. This can be particularly beneficial if you encounter unexpected challenges or decide to make changes to your project mid-way.
Ease of Installation
The ground screws designed at SIPs Ground Screws have a steeper taper from the 68mm shaft to the pointed end, compared to most other designs. This creates a sharper screw capable of penetrating the soil and embedded obstructions more easily. Less torque is required to install our ground screws, making them the most user-friendly ground screws on the market (just read our ground screw reviews!).
With clear instructions and readily available tools, most DIY enthusiasts find the installation process straightforward. Ground screw installation videos are available on our website that will help guide you through each step.
We stock multiple accessories to make the installation process as simple as possible. Creating pilot holes using our SDS drill bits is one measure that can reduce the physical strain of installation. Purchasing our 1.45m handlebar to accompany the installation tool will also allow for greater leverage and higher torque to be applied to the ground screw, increasing the speed that the ground screws go into the soil.
Case Studies and Testimonials
Many DIYers have successfully installed ground screws for various projects, from garden rooms to decking and even small extensions. Here’s what some of them have to say:
- Peter, Homeowner, January 04, 2024: ‘First time user of the product. Installation guide online fully explained the ease of use. I had a couple of questions which were dealt with patiently and professionally. The product is well made easy to install and would highly recommend it to novice or professional.’
- James, DIY Enthusiast, July 24, 2023: ‘I have been really impressed with SIPs Ground Screws speediness and quality of product. Today I installed the screws in my garden to start the shepherd hut 'workshop' and they went in very smoothly. I would certainly recommend this company to others looking to do similar projects.’
You can read all of our testimonials on Trustpilot. An invitation to review SIPs Ground Screws is automatically sent out with every order placed on our website. This allows us to harvest honest and valuable feedback from customers across the whole of the UK.