It’s a question we’ve all asked at one point. You’ve taken down the old shed, ordered the SIP panels and are ready to build your brand new garden office. There’s just one problem…which ground screws to use!? Answer these four simple questions to find out.


  1. What are you building? Ground screws vary in size and load-bearing capacity. Are you building a garden room, studio or outdoor building? It’s likely that 750mm self-install ground screws are the ones for you. With a load-bearing capacity of 400kg per screw, they are ideal for this purpose. If you are building a house we recommend looking at larger profiles of ground piles. 
  2. Where are you building? If your site has a high slope gradient you may need long ground screws or an extension kit applied to shorter ground screws. If ground conditions are particularly poor you might also need longer screws. 
  3. DIY? Installing the ground screws yourself can save hundreds of pounds in installation cost. If you are planning on this then self-install ground screws are the way to go. However, if you prefer to leave the foundations to someone else, it’s best to get a professional team to install the ground screws so you are ready to start building. 
  4. What’s your budget? One of the most cost-effective methods for building garden rooms is using 750mm self-install ground screws. Everything from the time they take to install to the competitive pricing of the screws themselves helps keep costs to a minimum. Providing the site conditions are good and the building complies with weight restrictions, self-install ground screws are arguably the best choice for cost-effective foundations. 
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